Clubs & Associations

Why Join A Club or Association?
At the Students' Union, we believe that there's a club for everything and if we don't have one that you love, we are happy to support you in creating your own club! Joining a club gives students the opportunity to network with students who share a similar passion, as well as further develop and strengthen their skill set. The best way to learn more about and get involved with clubs is at our Clubs Fair during Orientation Week in September where students can check out over 200+ of our clubs at their respective buildings such as RCW and RCE in Brantford and the Quad and Turret in Waterloo.
Students' Union and Faculty-Based Clubs
The Clubs & Associations department is one of the most influential departments within the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union with regard to impact on student experience. Clubs are great opportunities for self-motivated students to define, create, and share unique experiences and ideas in a community of respect and acceptance of all diverse opinions and values.
The department on the Waterloo campus hosts over 200 clubs, serving approximately 20,000 students and Brantford hosts about 30 clubs, serving approximately 3500 students. Faculty based clubs provide a great opportunity for students to assist in planning and partaking in events that are tailored to their program and future aspirations. This year is a growing year for all clubs and associations, and they will be offering even more resources, tools and access to the students than ever before!
Clubs & Associations Department
Comprised of student leaders and full-time staff, the Clubs & Associations department is designed to make sure your group runs smoothly throughout the entire school year. Additionally, through our support mechanisms, we are able to offer leadership training and opportunities for experiential learning so that you can make the most of your university experience!

Support tools & resources to help guide you through managing all aspects of your Club/Association.
Have a question? Check our our Frequently Asked Questions!
Interested in getting involved in your Faculty or Program? Check out our Faculty Associations!