We Can Help!
The Student Rights Advisory Committee (SRAC) is a free service that provides information about academic appeals and landlord-tenant issues. While we are not able to provide legal advice or representation we will inform you of your rights and help you navigate your options.
Support is campus-specific, get in touch our Brantford or Waterloo teams through The Nest or the contact information below.
Academic Appeals
If you are considering an appeal or currently in the process of an academic appeal, we recommend that you consider the following:
Visit Laurier's Academic Petition and Appeals process website.
Consult SRAC's quick reference flow charts for Faculty Appeals and Senate Appeals.
Reach out to SRAC for support with an academic appeal. We can consult both remotely and in-person and will work with you throughout the process.
One of our knowledgeable executives or staff members will walk you through the academic appeals process and review any relevant documentation before you file your appeal. SRAC will be able to advise you on the necessary steps that you need to take based on the faculty you belong to and what type of appeal you are considering. Based on each students’ specific circumstance, our team can also assist you with writing and structuring your appeal, help you prepare to sit in front of the appeals committee, and answer any question that you might have about the process.
We understand that this can be a confusing and overwhelming process and we want to help reduce any stress that you might be experiencing. We also understand the sensitive and private nature of these request and as a result all cases and inquiries will remain strictly confidential.
Rental Living
If you feel your landlord is violating your rights, SRAC is here to provide support. We can give you the tools and resources you need to make sure you have a safe, clean, livable home.
Landlord Tenant Rights FAQ
How Much Notice Do I Need to Give to Exit My Lease?
The notice that you are required to give to end a lease will depend on whether you have signed a fixed or non-fixed lease agreement. Please consult this brochure for guidance and reach out to SRAC if you have any questions. Click Here to read brochure.
Am I Allowed to Have Pets?
Yes! You are allowed your furry companions. Even if your lease agreement states no pets, you can’t be evicted for having a pet as long as they aren’t causing a problem or are inherently dangerous. So train your dragons to be vegetarians and you’re all set.
Are Landlords Allowed to Increase My Rent?
If you live in a building or addition to an existing building that was occupied for residential purposes prior to November 15, 2018 your landlord must follow the Government of Ontario's rules for rent increase. For 2025, rents ARE NOT permitted to be increased more than 2.5% SO LONG as it's been 12 months since the last rent increase or the date the tenancy began. Your landlord is REQUIRED to give you written notice of any rent increase at least 90 days prior to it taking effect. If your unit is in a new building or addition to an existing building not occupied for residential purposes on or before November 15, 2018, the rent control rules DO NOT apply. For full details consult the province's rent increase guidelines.
**Landlords are also able to apply for a Rent Increase Above the Guideline. Full details on the criteria are available from the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Who’s Responsible for Repair and Upkeep of My Home?
Your landlord must keep your property in a good state of repair. That includes anything to with the electricity, plumbing and heating systems, your windows, doors, locks, and lighting. The only repair you as a tenant are responsible for is negligent damage you’ve caused. So maybe take that game of catch outside, is all I’m saying.
Who’s Responsible for Snow Removal and Lawn care?
This should be specified in your lease. You may be responsible for cutting the lawn and shoveling the sidewalks in the winter if it says so in your lease, but you are not responsible for supplying the tools needed. Lawnmowers, shovels, and salt should all be supplied by your landlord. If there is nothing in your lease about who is responsible for shoveling snow/lawn care maintenance than it is your landlord’s responsibility.
When Is a Landlord Allowed to Enter my Home?
Your landlord must give you written notice at least 24 hours before they drop by. Generally, they’d be stopping by to do repair work, or carry out a general inspection.
Am I allowed to Change the Locks in my Home?
No, you may not change the locks in your home unless the landlord agrees.
I’m Taking a Semester Off School, Can I Sublet my Rental?
If want to save a little cash while you’re on your co-op term, but want to keep your place for next year, you are more than welcome to find a sublet to take your room for a semester or two. You must tell the Landlord that you are planning on subletting. They can only say no to the person that you are planning on subletting to in the case that they have a legitimate reason to not let that person sublet.
Can a Landlord Request a Damage or Key Deposit?
No. The only deposit a Landlord can ask is last months’ rent deposit.
Other Helpful Resources
The Legal Care Program
Laurier students have free access to a legal consultation service with a duly certified lawyer regarding legal questions. Students can also seek legal representation within their province of study on housing disputes, employment disputes, disputes with an academic institution, and commissioning services through a public notary.
Rental Housing Support
Check the status of a rental licence, report unlicensed rental housing, review the minimum property standards, and request an inspection of your rental unit.
Landlord Tenant Board
In the GTA: 416-645-8080
Outside Toronto: 1-888-332-3234
Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing
The Investigation and Enforcement Unit responds to complaints from landlords or tenants about alleged offences under the Residential Tenancies Act. Where compliance with the Act cannot be achieved, the Unit’s mandate extends to enforcement, which may involve formal investigations leading to prosecutions of alleged offenders in the Ontario Court of Justice
Toll free Phone Number: 1-888-772-9277