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Open letter from Conestoga, Laurier & Waterloo student governments regarding May 2023 GRT Bus Strike

Updated: May 9, 2023

May 1st 2023 Together, Conestoga Students Inc., Laurier Students’ Union, and the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA); the student associations of postsecondary insti

tutions in Waterloo Region, are disappointed to learn that the tentative agreement between the Region of Waterloo and UNIFOR Local 4304, representing Grand River Transit was not ratified and has resulted in a strike affecting tens of thousands of our student members across the Region.

This strike action will significantly disrupt student member access to classes, campus supports, resources, Co-op and part-time employment obligations for the spring semester.

When our members are without the public transportation services they have paid for due to a labour disruption, the entire community suffers. Students and the broader community are left without safe and reliable transportation for their day-to-day necessities, which is integral to the student experience and the economic success and well-being of the Waterloo Region.

From our understanding, no negotiation discussions are currently scheduled. Collectively, we are urging both the Region of Waterloo and UNIFOR Local 4304 to return to the bargaining table as soon as possible to minimize service disruption to students and our greater community.

If any of our three student governments can provide any assistance as a neutral party in the negotiation of a mutually beneficial agreement between the Region of Waterloo and UNIFOR Local 4304, we welcome the opportunity and look forward to an expeditious resolution.

Megan Spenler, President Laurier Students’ Union

Nelson Chukwuma, President Conestoga Students Inc

Rory Norris, President Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association


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