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Students’ Union:


The Students’ Union is a not-for-profit organization that operates with official standing at Wilfrid Laurier University. (This is not to be confused with the student government or council systems that may exist at other universities).


Undergraduate students at Wilfrid Laurier University, as dues-paying members of the Students’ Union, are eligible to vote for the following elected positions:














President & Chief Executive Officer (1-year term)

  • The President serves as the Chief Executive Officer and leads the day-to-day operations of the Students’ Union. The President’s duties include acting as the official spokesperson for the Students’ Union, overseeing the development of the annual operating budget, managing the Executive Leadership Team, executing the development and execution of an annual operating plan, and serving on a variety of internal, university-level, and community committees.


Students’ Union Board of Directors
(12 members serving 1-year terms, with a minimum of 2 elected from the Brantford campus)

  • Directors attend bi-weekly meetings to oversee the operations of the organization through the President & CEO, and also consider the long-term strategic purpose of the Students’ Union.

  • Directors are an integral part of the operation of the Students’ Union as a not-for-profit organization. 

Wilfrid Laurier University:

The Students’ Union also facilitates the election by undergraduate students for student seats on Wilfrid Laurier University’s Board of Governors and Senate. The University is governed by a bicameral system, with respective responsibilities determined by the Wilfrid Laurier University Act (1973).


The Board of Governors has control over the University's property and revenues and the conduct of its business and affairs, except with respect to matters that the Wilfrid Laurier University Act stipulates are jurisdiction of the Senate. The Board of Governors appoints the President and Vice-Chancellor, approves the annual budget, plans and develops the physical resources of the university, establishes and collections tuition and other fees, oversees the future strategic direction of the institution, approves university-wide policies, and invests funds held by the university endowment, pension plan and other funds.​


The Senate has broad jurisdiction over the university’s academic matters, including the power to establish educational policies of the university, deal with curriculum matters, determine policies related to tenure and promotion of faculty, set admissions standards, and engage in long-term academic planning.

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Presidential Candidates 

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JOSH AUBE   @votejosh4supres

"Hi Golden Hawks! My name is Josh, and I am one of the candidates running for Students’ Union president this year. I am passionate about the student experience and committed to making sure all Laurier students have a safe and fun university experience. To read more about my platform, follow me on Instagram @votejosh4supres!"

SEBASTIEN CORRIE   @seb4wlusupres

Throughout my time at Laurier, I have been privileged to see how the student body comes together and represents the Golden Hawk Experience. If elected, I plan to equitably bring this experience to all students, on all campuses, through seven (7) main priorities. If you're interested in learning more about my ideas and campaign, follow my Instagram: @Seb4WLUSUPres
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BEN JESSEAU   @ben4supresident

For those of you who might not know me, my name is Ben Jesseau and I am excited to be running to be your next Students’ Union President! During my time at Laurier, I have done a lot to connect myself to the Golden Hawk community, including working with the Department of Residence, the Lazaridis Students’ Society, and recently working as an AVP on the SU Executive team - all of this has really connected me with the Laurier community & developed my passion for supporting every Golden Hawk! My platform is focused on 3 major pillars, supporting & promoting student leadership, building a stronger campus community, and enhancing student experience if you want to learn more check out my full platform at
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VISHESH VERMA   @vish4wlusupres

Hey Golden Hawks! I'm Vishesh (Vish) Verma, vying for the role of Student's Union President and CEO trying to #SparkAChange. As a leader, I'm dedicated to enhancing financial literacy, championing physical and mental health initiatives, and fostering a diverse, inclusive campus culture. Let's collaborate to ignite positive transformations, ensuring every student has the tools for success and well-being. Together, let's spark a change for a healthier, wealthier, and happier Laurier community! @vish4wlusupres

Board of Directors Candidates

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Natalie Bounket   @natalie4board

Hey Golden Hawks! I’m Natalie, I am super passionate about Laurier and cannot wait for this opportunity to fight for students and your wants and needs.
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Julian Crupi

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Noah Espiritu   @noah.espiritu

Hello fellow students! I am Noah Espiritu a 3rd year student passionate about our school and community. Vote me for representation, strong leadership and accountability!
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Joseph Giordano

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Avinash Godse-Shah


Lulia Habtemichael   @luliaforlaurier

Hello! LuliaforLaurier is my Slogan and that's because I believe the best leadership stems from humility. I pledge to serve my golden hawk community with the the utmost loyalty, integrity and honesty!

Aya Ijam

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Mustafa Khalil  @mustafakhalil2024

Empowering Your Voice, Enhancing Our Campus: Vote for Mustafa Khalil for a Safer, Stronger Student Union.

Nicole Lehecka   @nicole4directorr

From Awareness to Action: Vote Nicole Lehecka for Board of Directors

Devananda Nakshatra   @vote4devananda

As a dedicated advocate for student empowerment and positive change, I am Devananda (or Deva as many of you know me by), committed to amplifying your voices and enhancing our university experience – Student Voices, Student Choices!

Daniel Rubinoff

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Gabrielle Russo   @gabrielle4_SUboard

My commitment is to the students, and I will continue to be an engaged and motivated director who ensures the best outcomes for students on all campuses.
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Anya Russolo   @vote_4anya

I’m here for YOU, vote today for a better tomorrow.
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Griffin St. George   @griffin4su

Hello, I’m running for SU Borad of Directors for the 2024/25 term. Don’t just hope for a better student life. Vote for one.
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Kritika Sunil Kamath

Introducing Kritika, your dedicated computer science student at WLU, Canada! "Bridging Diversity with Technology – A Fresh Voice, A Bright Future for WLU, Canada!" #KritikaForWLU #TechLeadership
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Bilal Tariq   @bt_boardofdirectors

Empowering Laurier's voice, one student at a time – I'm Bilal Tariq, committed to representing you on our Board of Directors
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Wyatt White


Board of Governor's 

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Ife Odeleye   

Hi everyone! I’m Ife and I am running to be on your board of governors. In simple terms, my job is to make money work for you. I oversee changes to the university budget, advocate for university-wide policies and suggest changes that should be made. I represent your student voice when it comes to the matters of how money is distributed. Ultimately, I want to make sure that you feel adequately represented financially. I plan to represent students in a way that means something to them, and I hope to be given the chance to do so.


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Jiha Arshad

Elevating education for a more fulfilling Laurier Experience

Lulia Habtemichael @LuliaforLaurier

Hello! LuliaforLaurier is my Slogan and that's because I believe the best leadership stems from humility. I pledge to serve my golden hawk community with the the utmost loyalty, integrity and honesty!

Nicole Lehecka   @nicole4directorr

From Awareness to Action: Vote Nicole Lehecka for Board of Directors
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Christopher Matheson


Aftab Tariq




Athletics & Recreation Facilities Fee

All students deserve more space. All students deserve better space. The Athletic & Recreation Facilities Fee will be used to enhance the amenities on the Waterloo campus to provide the best spaces for students on our campus to study, connect, and thrive. The Athletics and Recreation Facilities fee will be used enhance the fitness, sport, and active extra-curricular amenities on the Waterloo campus. Students will see an immediate benefit come this Fall 2024 to our existing amenities, and a full road-map of exciting new projects and enhancements can be found at

Shape Your Space, Leave Your Legacy

Emily Kogan

Referendum Chair

Instagram: @goldenhawklegacy
Website: Https://
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