Volunteer Standards and Performance Policy
Approving Authority: President and Chief Executive Officer
Administrative Responsibility: Director, Policy Research and Advocacy
Original Approval Date: September 19th, 2024
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision:
Related Policies, Procedures, and Documents:
1. Purpose
1.1. This policy outlines the principles and guidelines used by the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union (Students’ Union) to inform volunteer standards and address performance or conduct issues.
2. Approach
2.1. The Students’ Union values volunteer involvement and is committed to providing opportunities for holistic growth and personal development through access to a wide variety of volunteer roles. A community-focused organization, the Students’ Union strives to promote a culture of inclusivity and actively works to eliminate systemic barriers that prevent undergraduate students from considering volunteer positions. When behavior or performance issues arise the Students’ Union, when possible, incorporates principles of restorative justice to respond to and find meaningful solutions to instances of harm with a dignified emphasis on dialogue, negotiation, and accountability.
3. Definitions
3.1. Accountability: A process, often informed by principles of restorative justice, where an individual takes responsibility for a harm created by their actions or inaction.
3.2. Coaching: Corrective and ongoing dialogue between a volunteer and their Coordinator or Executive and relevant Associate Vice-President or Vice-President, that is intended to advise the volunteer on how to constructively improve their behaviour.
3.3. Sanction: A formal indication of misconduct, fault, deficiency, or consequence.
3.4. Misconduct: An action that is contrary to the efficiency and safety of the workplace when acting in the capacity as a volunteer or attending an event connected to the volunteer role; or behaviour that is contrary to the provisions of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Non-Academic Code of Conduct.
3.5. Negligence: Knowingly neglecting a duty that results in unacceptable job performance or workplace misconduct, or unwittingly performing a role at an unacceptable level.
3.6. Operations Group: The senior continuing staff leadership team, consisting of the President & CEO, Executive Director, and all director-level portfolios.
3.7. Restorative Justice: A process with no universal definition, but that the Students’ Union understands to be a way of addressing conflict that seeks to include all involved and collaboratively determine a meaningful solution with dignity and integrity. The emphasis is placed on addressing any damage caused and restoring relationships.
3.8. Students’ Union Member Conflict and Conduct Form: Used to report a person or behaviour that is contrary to the policies and procedures of the Students’ Union or Wilfrid Laurier University’s Non Academic Student Code of Conduct.
3.9. Students’ Union Reporting Form: Used to report any of the following circumstances that occur on Students’ Union property, or a Students’ Union event:
3.9.1. Incidents of violence, harassment, or sexual violence.
3.9.2. A present hazard, which is considered anything within the environment, or a process or procedure, that could cause injury or illness.
3.9.3. A person of concern who is either a Laurier student, or Students’ Union volunteer club member, or employee. A person of concern is someone who has displayed a significant change in behaviour that is determined to necessitate support.
3.10. Unsatisfactory Performance: Failing to perform volunteer duties in a satisfactory manner as determined by the portfolio supervisor.
3.11. Volunteer: A Wilfrid Laurier University undergraduate student who voluntarily undertakes a service for the Students’ Union.
4. Jurisdiction/Scope
4.1. This policy applies to all Students' Union volunteers.
5. Policy
Volunteer Expectations and Standards
5.1. Volunteers are expected to follow all policies, guidelines, and instructions relevant to their role.
5.2. In the course of their duties volunteers remain subject to the provisions of Laurier's Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct.
5.3. Volunteer activity shall be guided by the Students' Union Ends Policy, which outlines that Laurier students should benefit from an affordable, accessible, and high-quality academic experience; a safe, sustainable, and empowering environment; diverse and inclusive social interaction; and products and services that cater to the financial needs of students.
5.4. The Students’ Union acknowledges the mitigating or aggravating factors that may hinder volunteer performance and necessitate accountability or conduct procedures, including but not limited to:
5.4.1. Whether or not the problem has arisen as an intentional action or inaction on the part of the volunteer.
5.4.2. Whether or not the volunteer accepts responsibility for their actions.
5.4.3. Whether or not the problem is recurring.
5.4.4. The prior job performance of the volunteer.
Reporting Volunteer Performance and Conduct Issues
5.5. Any Students’ Union volunteer or employee who witnesses a volunteer exhibit or partake in behaviour that falls short of organizational expectations, is unprofessional, disreputable, or contravenes applicable policies or guidelines must complete the Students’ Union Member Conflict and Conduct Form.
5.6. Any Students’ Union volunteer or employee who witnesses a volunteer partake in incidents of violence, harassment, or sexual violence, or who has displayed a significant change in behaviour that is determined to necessitate support must complete Students’ Union Report Form.
5.7. Submitted report forms will be reviewed within 2 business days by the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations or applicable departmental Vice-President, in consultation with the relevant Operations Group member as required.
5.8. The Students’ Union shall endeavor to determine an accurate account of any activity or behaviour disclosed through the Students’ Union Member Conflict and Conduct Form or the Students’ Union Reporting Form.
5.9. Volunteers and employees are protected from retribution when bringing forward an incident.
Volunteer Performance and Conduct Procedures
5.10. Conduct issues or the failure to meet volunteer standards or role responsibilities may result in accountability measures or sanctions based on the following framework:
5.10.1. Unsatisfactory Performance: Failing to perform volunteer duties in a satisfactory manner as determined by the supervisor, attendance concerns (e.g. missed shift; late to meetings), or inter-personal conflict with other volunteers.
5.10.2. Misconduct: An action that is contrary to the efficiency and safety of the workplace when acting in the capacity as a volunteer or attending an event connected to the volunteer role; or behaviour that is contrary to the provisions of Laurier’s Non-Academic Code of Conduct or other relevant policies and procedures (e.g. breach of confidentiality).
5.10.3. Negligence: Knowingly neglecting a duty that results in unacceptable jobperformance or workplace misconduct, or unwittingly performing a role at an unacceptable level. Negligence includes the abuse or improper use of facilities, equipment, or resources.
5.10.4. Careless disregard: Behaviour that may not meet the threshold of misconduct or negligence, but nevertheless reflects negatively on the reputation of the Students’ Union or Wilfrid Laurier University.
5.11. Accountability measures or conduct sanctions may include one of the following outcomes:
5.11.1. A formal restorative justice process where opportunities are provided for victims, offenders, and community members affected by the incident to participate in meaningful engagement and accountability towards a goal of healing, reparation, and reintegration. If a restorative justice process is determined to be applicable, the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations or other associated departmental Vice-President, in consultation with the relevant Operations Group member, must be consulted to ensure the appropriate application and documentation of this accountability measure.
5.11.2. Coaching conversation. During a coaching conversation, the volunteer and the relevant Coordinator will discuss how to rectify the unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, negligence, or careless disregard by identifying further training opportunities and establishing a timeframe to meet expectations. In the event the relevant Coordinator has a conflict, or the discussion requires escalation, another supervisor or Students’ Union Executive will complete the coaching conversation. All coaching conversations must be documented and filed with the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations.
5.11.3. Sanction (e.g. a letter of reprimand, period of probation with restricted responsibilities). Applicable for repeated instances of unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, negligence, or carless disregard. Applicable when unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, negligence, or careless disregard persists following coaching conversations. The relevant Coordinator and departmental Vice-President will determine the suitability of a sanction. The Vice-President: Volunteer Operation or their Associate Vice-President: Volunteer Operations must be consulted if the volunteer is receiving a supplemental sanction. A sanction may be considered without previous coaching conversations with the approval of the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations. All sanctions must be documented and filed with the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations.
5.11.4. Suspension. A suspension of volunteer duties may be warranted following unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, negligence, or careless disregard that has persisted in spite of coaching and an escalating series of sanctions. The relevant departmental Vice-President and Vice-President: Volunteer Operations will determine the suitability of a suspension. A suspension may be considered without previous conduct sanctions with the approval of the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations. All suspensions must be filed with the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations.
5.11.5. Dismissal. Dismissal from a volunteer role may be considered in coordination with the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations and the associated departmental Vice-President, and in consultation with the relevant Operations Group member, when unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, negligence, or careless disregard follows a suspension, or under the following circumstances: Discrimination based on race, citizenship, nationality or ethnic identity, place of origin, creed, gender identity, sexual orientation or preference, marital status, family status, disability or age. Any exhibition of violence, harassment, or sexual harassment as defined in the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union Workplace Violence Harassment Statement or Laurier’s Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination policy, and The Prevention of Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures. Vandalizing or defacing Students’ Union or University property. Acts of theft or fraud. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while acting within the scope of your role. Careless disregard that endangers the Students’ Union’s public imageor credibility. Egregious breach of confidentiality. Failure to complete required training. Dismissal is generally understood as a last resort after all other applicable accountability measures or conduct sanctions have been exhausted. In cases of dismissal, the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations and associated departmental Vice President will meet with the relevant OperationsGroup member to document the Dismissal Plan. The Dismissal Plan must include details and evidence of any previous accountability measures and conduct sanctions preceding dismissal. A copy of the signed Dismissal Plan should be distributed to the volunteer. The Dismissal Plan may be consulted should the volunteer apply for other roles. The Students’ Union Human Resources department may be contacted for consultation and support, if necessary.
5.11.6. “Do not re-hire” designation If a volunteer is dismissed from a volunteer role, they may be assigned a “Do not re-hire” designation for that same role in the future, or other Students’ Union volunteer roles. A “Do not re-hire” designation must be approved by the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations.
5.12. The appropriate application of accountability measures or conduct sanctions will be determined in consultation with the committee coordinator, the associated departmental Vice-President, and if required the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations and relevant Operations Group member.
5.12.1. Every accountability measure or conduct sanction must be documented and filed with the Vice-President: Volunteer Operations.
5.13. The Students’ Union shall keep a confidential record of all conduct documentation for a period of 7 years.